Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Laptop is a WHORE

I started sleeping with my computer last week. I'm so embarrassed that it took me five minutes of arguing with myself to even type that first sentence. At first I told myself it was a stupid mistake brought on by too much booze (I knew when we got those dollar nippers of Kettle One Vodka at MtRdW&S* they'd be trouble). But I never thought I'd end up in bed with my own computer. I feel so reckless and irresponsible. If something ever happened, something bad, how would I ever explain my behavior to my family and friends?

I know this is lame to say, but it's really not my fault. It's all the fault of that evil raconteur J.J. Abrams! For so many years I've pretended that he didn't exist. I ignored his television shows and disregarded his movies. "I don't have time for that 'weird' show", I'd say about Lost. "Cloverfield looks stupid", "I hate that 'handheld' shit". "It makes me nauseous". I had no overwhelming desire to see his take on Star Trek, despite reading the rumors about how obsessed he was with the series. "Star Trek without Bill Shatner?! That should be against the LAW!".

The first brick in my "I don't care about Abrams" wall fell when Netflix delivered me Cloverfield. I was disappointed at myself for letting my Netflix Queue get so out of control that I'd let this movie get delivered. I'd probably send It back unwatched, I figured. Then came one of those lazy dog danglin' weekends. I was in such desperate need for a entertainment that I lowered my standards. The movie is far from perfect, but it definitely sucked me in. It had been sometime since I'd seen a "monster destroys city" movie, and when I say a long time, I'm talkin' Saturday mornings in the early 80's watching Godzilla destroy Tokyo in my Incredible Hulk PJ's. I was really blown away by Abrams use of special effects, especially his knack for making you feel like you're in the effect instead of just watching it.

A couple weeks later I was invited over a friends house to watch Abrams Star Trek. This was an invitation I could not skip. My friend is a gadget guy, and has a SERIOUS television setup in his basement. I'm talking about a 50+ inch plasma with a kicking surround sound. I'm pretty certain that he rattles his neighbors windows when his daughter watches Dora The Explorer on this rig. Star Trek was my Abrams turning point. It knocked down my wall of doubt regarding the director like a kiloton blast. It had everything I want in an action movie. The stunts, the effects, comedy and drama. Driving home from that movie is when I started kicking myself for not giving "Lost" a chance.

When I started seeing the commercials advertise the sixth and final season, I realized that I had to take charge of the situation. Netflix to the rescue!! Netflix has the entire series available to stream online. A lot of people are discouraged by watching TV on the computer, but I'm actually very comfortable with it. I've got a nice setup where I can watch it comfortably from my recliner...and still have a ball game on my regular television (I'm a huge fan of multi-tasking sports and entertainment).

So my plan was hatched. Four months till the series finale, 6 seasons @ 25 shows per season. That gives me 150 episodes to watch over the next 4 months, which comes out to around 9 episodes per week. Which leads me to my problem...sleeping with my computer. In an effort to squeeze in one more episode before I call it a night, has lead me to bringing my computer into my bed with me.

And like many superficial relationships, I like taking her to bed...I just don't want her to still be there when I wake up.

*Mountain Road Wine & Liquor. Seymour CT (my part time volunteer job)

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